Treatment Guide

Periodontal Disease

*All the case pictures on this website were taken during treatments at Nonaka Dental Clinic.

Periodontal disease is not a disease of the tooth, but a disease of the tissue supporting our teeth. With periodontal disease, inflammation in a localized area of the gums is called gingivitis, and the inflammation reaching to other periodontal tissue is called periodontitis. These are the two major forms of periodontal disease.

When periodontal bacteria (dental plaque) remain in the groove between the tooth and gums, it is referred to as a “periodontal pocket” indicating periodontal disease has begun.

Dental Plaque white or yellow-colored sticky deposits adhered to the teeth. It consists of an abundant number of bacteria and their by-products.
Tartar the resulting solid material formed when calcium ions in saliva calcify dental plaque. Prior to its calcification, dental plaque is removable by oral cleaning using a toothbrush or floss; however when dental plaque becomes tartar, it can only be removed with implements at the dental clinic.

Note that the adherence of tartar is causing gum inflammation. If left untreated, periodontal disease progresses.

Periodontal treatment helps inflammation of the gums to subside, resulting in beautiful gums.

Periodontal Treatment Flow

- Periodontal pocket measurement
-Check the bite
-Take X-rays
-Intra oral photographs
-Visual inspection of bacteria

Tooth Brushing Instruction
We teach the proper brushing method. Sticking to the right way every day at home will help minor inflammation diminish.

Tartar Removal (Scaling)
Remove tartar using an implement called an ultrasonic wave scaler, that gives off tiny ultrasonic waves of vibration.

Root Planing (Removing tartar far below the gumline)
Remove tartar that has penetrated deep below the gumline and is adhering to the root’s surface. We smooth out the surface of the root, and completely remove bacteria causing inflammation.

After having removed the tartar, we later re-evaluate for changes in inflammation.

Periodontal Surgery(if necessary)
We treat any damaged gum tissue and surrounding bone which helps restore gum tissue to a healthy condition.

After having operated, we later re-evaluate for changes in gum tissue.

Maintenance (regular check-ups)
To maintain the now healthy state of one’s teeth, our hygienists perform regular cleanings, check for cavities and ensure proper brushing methods.

Periodontal Disease Surgical Procedures